It's past 1pm and I am still in my pj's, is this normal? We've been up since 9am, pottering around, had some breakfast, put a wash on, James came home and made some lunch. Una is now sleeping in my arms and I am contemplating having a shower. I think it's the weather. When it's was warm and sunny you feel motivated to get out and about, but today is cold and miserable. I had plans to meet my friend Heather for lunch but we've re-scheduled for tomorrow. I guess I should still try and leave the house at least once today!
I also have mastitis for the third time since Una was born. I feel ok today, Monday I felt awful all day and Monday night my sheets were soaked in sweat because I had such a high temperature. I saw the doctor yesterday so I am now on my third course of antibiotics in 5 weeks. Woop. Not.