Friday, 5 October 2012


And I've done it again. Dropped off the face of the earth. I am wholly incapable of blogging on holiday and the past couple of months have been full of those. We returned from Sicily a couple of weeks ago and since then I've just been busy with... well, life!
Recent achievements includes getting a high chair for Una. I am in disbelief of how quickly she is growing and developing, thus not quite keeping up with the new things she requires. She is on three meals of solids a day now and really enjoying it. She also sleeps through the night now, from around 7.30 in the evening to 7.30 am on a good day, sometimes waking early at 6.30. I knew she would sleep through when she was ready, if I just gave her time. My clever little girl.
I'm writing this on my phone as I wait for this evenings body pump class to begin, multitasking at its best. It's not just the blog that's been neglected over the last couple of months, the gym has too.


  1. Åh äntligen! Har kikat in nästan varje dag i hopp om ett nytt inlägg ;-)

  2. Vet hur det känns. Har varken läst bloggar eller skrivit själv sen vi kom tillbaka från Italien men nu hoppas jag att jag är tillbaka. Välkommen tillbaka du med.

  3. Nathalie: Roligt att hora att du inte glomt bort mig, trots daligt med uppdateringar!

    Sara: Tack detsamma!Det ar inte helt latt att hinna med bloggen nar man har en mer och mer alert bebis, eller hur :)
