Yesterday, after swimming, I hung out with my sister Sabina all day. We went to Westfield where she patiently traipsed around the shops with me as I looked for something to buy that would fit me and flatter my growing tummy that doesn't quite yet look like a baby bump, more like a big lunch (or perhaps a few too many big lunches...). She helped me find some great pieces, a navy layered top and a pair of leggings from H&M which I am very happy with.
We also decided to indulge in some baby shopping. I realise it is a bit early to start buying baby things as I am only 17 weeks along. But the way I see it, it makes more sense to spread the cost over the next 5 months rather than have to fork out a huge amount of money at the same time. Also, this way I get to enjoy buying bits and pieces that catch my eye, rather than heading out with a huge list of "things to buy" when I am heavily pregnant and have a deadline to meet (the birth of the baby!). Or perhaps I am just finding reasons to rationalise going crazy in Polarn och Pyret and Baby Gap. Whatever.
I got lots of little onesies in Marks and Spencer, a 7-pack of white ones and a 5-pack of cute brightly coloured striped and spotty ones. We also went to Early Learning Centre where Sabina bought a cute little cuddly mouse rattle for the baby.
After that we headed back to mine, watched a rom-com and ate two bags of microwave popcorn. My kind of Saturday night, how sad is that. She stayed over and this morning we just hung out and ate yummy toast with honey. This afternoon I went to Stoke Newington and met a few friends for a roast and then just hung out in the pub for a few hours. Now I am on the couch in my pyjamas and intend to enjoy the remaining hours of the weekend watching tv and reading blogs, before another looooong week at work begins. Oh the joy.
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