I got the Eurostar to Paris early Friday morning.

After setting up at the Capsule show I had a couple of hours to kill, so I headed straight to Galaries Lafayette...

...and Printemps...

for a spot of window shopping.

So many beautiful buildings to look at, like the opera house!

We went out for dinner with one if the designers, to an Italian restaurant of all places! My boss doesn't like French food...

Every morning I had my breakfast delivered to my room so that I could eat it in bed.

The next day I spent at Capsule, surrounded by beautiful clothes.

The show was located on the stunning Rue du Turenne, couldn't complain!

Sunday and Monday I spent at the Memy Mode show, which was held in the Bourse du Commerce, look at the amazing 35 metre ceiling!

On the Monday I managed to sneak off for an hour to visit the Tranoi show, held on Rue du Rivoli, next to the Louvre.

So much to see and so little time as usual! I have now worked 12 days in a row, tomorrow will be my 13th. But as of next week I am only working 2 days a week so can't complain.