I am ashamed to see that it has been nearly a month since I've posted. December has disappeared in a flash, as usual. I was in denial about the approach of Christmas for the first half. I don't know why but I couldn't get in to the spirit. We flew to Sweden on the 18th of and I did nearly all my shopping in a panic on the 17th. Thank god Una is so patient she didn't mind to much when I dragged her around shops from 10 in the morning until 6 pm. In the evening we had a little Christmas celebration in the flat and gave Una her gifts. Me and James gave each other gifts as well, I got a body lotion and perfume by Chloe and a bag and some leather gloves from Cos. The taxi picked Una and I up at 6 am the following day and we arrived at my mums at 4.30 pm.
It's beautifully snowy here, and not too cold. I got Una a snow suit and a little pulka (a plastic sled for kids) and yesterday we went out for a walk in the snow. Una loved riding in the pulka, everytime I turned around she looked very pleased, chatting away.
I am enjoying spending time with my mum and relaxing, yesterday I had two naps! With Una of course. One of the perks of being on holiday is that I get to share a bed with Una. I am even enjoying the snow. Today the plan is to take a long walk. That's about it. We don't do very much here. The joy.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Una gave me a nice lie in this morning, I woke up at 7.50 to her peeking out through the bars of her got and chatting. Too cute. This morning I've hoovered, mopped and cleaned the bathroom, channeling my inner housewife. Una is napping and when she is up we will head out in the glorious sunshine.
I finally feel like a normal person again after going though the hellish experience of a double whammy stomach bug. Una, the little carrier, had it and when she was pretty much recovered it was our turn. Two sick parents and a little baby needing to be fed, changed and entertained was not a good combination. But we lived to tell the tale.
I finally feel like a normal person again after going though the hellish experience of a double whammy stomach bug. Una, the little carrier, had it and when she was pretty much recovered it was our turn. Two sick parents and a little baby needing to be fed, changed and entertained was not a good combination. But we lived to tell the tale.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Behind every advert there is a sexist pig...
This morning I have been to the GP for a follow up appointment they called me in for, only for the GP to say she didn't know why they had sent me a letter, I didn't need to come in. Cheers for that. At least I didn't have to wait for an hour to be seen as I have in the past...
Now I am chilling at home, catching up on watching Real Housewives of New York (yes, this is my favourite show...) while Una snoozes. When she gets up I will give her some lunch before we stroll (and by stroll I mean walk briskly for an hour and a half) to St James park to meet Ema and little Solo, the boy she nannies. Then home and dinner for Una before I head to a body pump class tonight with Aga.
If anyone reading this wants to be enraged by obscene sexism and cementing of gender roles, please watch this Christmas advert by Asda. Words fail me.
Now I am chilling at home, catching up on watching Real Housewives of New York (yes, this is my favourite show...) while Una snoozes. When she gets up I will give her some lunch before we stroll (and by stroll I mean walk briskly for an hour and a half) to St James park to meet Ema and little Solo, the boy she nannies. Then home and dinner for Una before I head to a body pump class tonight with Aga.
If anyone reading this wants to be enraged by obscene sexism and cementing of gender roles, please watch this Christmas advert by Asda. Words fail me.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Una at 9 months
Yesterday Una was 9 months. She has now been in our lives for as long as she was in my tummy (give or take). It has gone so unbelievably quickly, when I look back at photos of her as a newborn I can't quite believe she was ever that tiny. I love having the blog to look back through and remember all those little things I would otherwise have forgotten. Here are some notes about Una at 9 months.
She weighs just over 7,5 kilos. She is definitely tall, but since it is not routine to measure babies in England, I don't know how tall. She is long and lean, with long legs. I struggle to find leggings to fit her, as the ones that are the right length are big and baggy and loose around her waist, so now I mainly buy tights instead!
She is not yet crawling, but drags herself forward at a pretty impressive speed. She can clap her hands and in the last few days has learnt to point. She loves books and being read to whilst pointing at the pictures and "chatting".
She has started "dancing", rocking back and forth to the beat. She likes hip hop and urban music, just like her dad.
She isn't shy and is happy to be held by just about anyone, but she is a little reserved and careful, likes to have mummy close by at playgroup and often looks to me for re-assurance in social situations.
She does the funniest little angry face, scrunches her whole little face up. I try my best not to laugh at her, though I am not always successful. She gets especially cross if you tell her "no".
She can be a bit particular about food, she will eat anything off my plate but is often suspicious of the food in her own bowl. Her favourites are spaghetti bolognese, greek yoghurt and porridge with date and apple puree.
Her teeth are growing, those next to the top front teeth are just visible though the gums and should come through any day now.
She is very entertaining and fun to be around, loves cuddles and is best company I could ask for. Love her.

Una, 1 day old

Una, today
She weighs just over 7,5 kilos. She is definitely tall, but since it is not routine to measure babies in England, I don't know how tall. She is long and lean, with long legs. I struggle to find leggings to fit her, as the ones that are the right length are big and baggy and loose around her waist, so now I mainly buy tights instead!
She is not yet crawling, but drags herself forward at a pretty impressive speed. She can clap her hands and in the last few days has learnt to point. She loves books and being read to whilst pointing at the pictures and "chatting".
She has started "dancing", rocking back and forth to the beat. She likes hip hop and urban music, just like her dad.
She isn't shy and is happy to be held by just about anyone, but she is a little reserved and careful, likes to have mummy close by at playgroup and often looks to me for re-assurance in social situations.
She does the funniest little angry face, scrunches her whole little face up. I try my best not to laugh at her, though I am not always successful. She gets especially cross if you tell her "no".
She can be a bit particular about food, she will eat anything off my plate but is often suspicious of the food in her own bowl. Her favourites are spaghetti bolognese, greek yoghurt and porridge with date and apple puree.
Her teeth are growing, those next to the top front teeth are just visible though the gums and should come through any day now.
She is very entertaining and fun to be around, loves cuddles and is best company I could ask for. Love her.

Una, 1 day old

Una, today
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Recent events

I have been get plenty of wear out of my red jeans.
Una has been enjoying herself at playgroup.
Una has discovered scrambled eggs with sauteed spinach. I love how we can have the same thing for lunch now.
Though she doesn't crawl yet she makes her way around the front room rather well, pulling herself forward on her tummy. She is 9 months today!
Monday, 12 November 2012
A weekend past
So what has been going on with us over the weekend, you might ask (though you probably didn't). Not a lot, as it happens. I met up with Australian Heather and her sister for a smidgen of wine on Saturday afternoon. Some crazy South American lady was being all touchy-feely with Una and kept asking to hold her. I tried to say no, politely but firmly, but in the end felt like decking the woman. Some people have no concept of boundaries, though it is possible she may have been truly crazy, alternatively high on crack. In any case, she was NOT holding my baby. We made it out of there unscathed, thankfully. Got home only to find out we were locked out, James had gone to the pub and I didn't have a key as he had taken mine. There is a constant lack of keys in this house, because James in wholly incapable of holding on to a key for longer than five minutes. This means that every time anyone wants to leave the house we have to have a long conversation about who will be out the longest, who will be back when etc. You might think a good solution would be to get another key cut, leaving us with one each. But no. We have tried that in the past, to no avail. James does has made it his mission in life to maintain the status quo and will promptly lose the original key, thus making the newly cut key the only key, bringing us are back to square one. And so it goes on. Anyway, after an abrupt phone call he made his way back from the pub to let us in, all is well that ends well.

Sunday we went for a stroll down Portobello Road, in the evening James cooked a lamb curry. Today I have done nothing except a body pump class, the weather is rainy and miserable. London winter, I suppose. This evening we had delicious duck breasts with celeriac puree, roasted sweet potato and wilted spinach. Now I am enjoying a class of red and some chocolate. Una is snoozing happily in bed, her sleep seems to have sorted itself out and she is going down much easier. I had to sneak a photo tonight of her sleeping in my arms, passed out after drinking her bottle. She is so funny these days, she has started dancing in the last couple of days. She kind of rocks forwards in time with the music. She prefers urban music, preferably hip hop. Takes after her father.

Sunday we went for a stroll down Portobello Road, in the evening James cooked a lamb curry. Today I have done nothing except a body pump class, the weather is rainy and miserable. London winter, I suppose. This evening we had delicious duck breasts with celeriac puree, roasted sweet potato and wilted spinach. Now I am enjoying a class of red and some chocolate. Una is snoozing happily in bed, her sleep seems to have sorted itself out and she is going down much easier. I had to sneak a photo tonight of her sleeping in my arms, passed out after drinking her bottle. She is so funny these days, she has started dancing in the last couple of days. She kind of rocks forwards in time with the music. She prefers urban music, preferably hip hop. Takes after her father.

Saturday, 10 November 2012
Yesterday morning we met up with Aga and Kai for a coffe in Kitchen and Pantry. Una slept in her buggy for the first half an hour, leaving me time to enjoy my coffee in peace. Afetr she woke she had cuddles with Aga (very sweet how she always instinctively cuddles in to Aga as soon as she holds her) before we went for a stroll to the playground. Una and Kai went on the swings while Aga and I talked about many important things. We could talk for hours!

Una and Aga doing their thing. Note Aga's lovely jumper, I want one.

Una has yet to master the art of holding on whilst on the swing, so she tends to slide to a reclined position. Looks kind of comfy.
We went home and had lunch and chilled out before heading over to see my dear friend Heather, who has made a surprise return from Australia (more about that in another post), yay! We popped over to her sisters around the corner from us, where she is staying for the next few months. A glass of wine, some Una cuddles and lots of chatting. Then home to put Una in bed and indulge in Friday night dinner of nachos and beers.

Una and Aga doing their thing. Note Aga's lovely jumper, I want one.

Una has yet to master the art of holding on whilst on the swing, so she tends to slide to a reclined position. Looks kind of comfy.
We went home and had lunch and chilled out before heading over to see my dear friend Heather, who has made a surprise return from Australia (more about that in another post), yay! We popped over to her sisters around the corner from us, where she is staying for the next few months. A glass of wine, some Una cuddles and lots of chatting. Then home to put Una in bed and indulge in Friday night dinner of nachos and beers.

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