She weighs just over 7,5 kilos. She is definitely tall, but since it is not routine to measure babies in England, I don't know how tall. She is long and lean, with long legs. I struggle to find leggings to fit her, as the ones that are the right length are big and baggy and loose around her waist, so now I mainly buy tights instead!
She is not yet crawling, but drags herself forward at a pretty impressive speed. She can clap her hands and in the last few days has learnt to point. She loves books and being read to whilst pointing at the pictures and "chatting".
She has started "dancing", rocking back and forth to the beat. She likes hip hop and urban music, just like her dad.
She isn't shy and is happy to be held by just about anyone, but she is a little reserved and careful, likes to have mummy close by at playgroup and often looks to me for re-assurance in social situations.
She does the funniest little angry face, scrunches her whole little face up. I try my best not to laugh at her, though I am not always successful. She gets especially cross if you tell her "no".
She can be a bit particular about food, she will eat anything off my plate but is often suspicious of the food in her own bowl. Her favourites are spaghetti bolognese, greek yoghurt and porridge with date and apple puree.
Her teeth are growing, those next to the top front teeth are just visible though the gums and should come through any day now.
She is very entertaining and fun to be around, loves cuddles and is best company I could ask for. Love her.

Una, 1 day old

Una, today
1 comment:
Vad fint skrivet. Nio månader är liksom ingenting och jättemycket på en och samma gång. <3
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