You know how everyone says newborns are so boring, they don't DO anything. Well I disagree. I think Una us extremely entertaining!
She pulls funny faces
She projectile poos on the changing table
She does comedy farts
She sneezes in a funny way
She looks at you with crossed eyes
All very funny things (to me at least...)
Friday, 24 February 2012
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Day trip

Obligatory pram and takeaway coffee pic!
Yesterday we went on our first family outing! Just a short walk through the nearby park to a little cafe, then back again. We were probably gone all of 20 minutes, but still, big step! I am feeling better and better everyday, I am actually surprised how well I feel after only six days of recovery.
Today we trekked all the way to south east London as James was supposed to have his wisdom teeth out at a dental hospital there. After an hour and half journey by bus and train it turns out he'd got the date wrong! We will need to make the trip again tomorrow... No point crying over spilt milk, we made a day of it and had lunch in Wagamama. Una was very well behaved during her first meal out. Feeding in public was a bit awkward only because my breasts were so full she was finding it difficult to latch on. I am sure a few people got an eyeful with their prawn gyoza but I honestly didn't care. Better a flash of boob then a screaming baby, right? She slept all the way there and all the way home, good as gold as ususal. Still waiting for the backlash.....
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
You know the way to my heart....

You know you have great friends when you leave the hospital with two bags full of snacks that you couldn't finish! Sabina had even gone to a swedish shop and got me a load of salty licorice and semlor. I also had lots of beautiful flowers waiting for me when I got home, no flowers allowed in the hospital....
The joy

There is so much to blog about at the moment but somehow I don't fancy doing anything apart from hanging out with my daughter. She is the best company I could ask for. She is very funny and entertaining when she is awake. But mainly she sleeps. Or does what she's doing on the picture, feeding. She loves a bit of the old boob.
I'm waiting for the bit when it gets difficult. The bit where you don't get to sleep much? At the moment it is all perfect. She eats and sleeps so well. I feel rested and unbelievably happy. I am still recovering from the difficult birth (which deserves a whole post of its own) but I feel great nonetheless.
Oh, and her name is Una.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Enough, already!
The days are ticking by and no sign of baby. No good news at the midwives yesterday. I have another appointment tomorrow, but I am not getting my hopes up. I am getting used to the idea of being induced as that is probably what will happen. Just trying to remind myself that as long as the baby is born healthy I really can't ask for anything more!
In the meantime I am sitting on the couch and sulking.
In the meantime I am sitting on the couch and sulking.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
41 weeks - who knew?
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Not fair
I think it's very cruel that the little counter of days until baby is born has started counting up again. Very cruel.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
I am not in labour
Annoyingly my Blogger app is not working on my phone, hence the radio silence. I am far too lazy to upload images on to my computer and because of this I prefer to post from my phone, so that I can include images in my posts.
The last few days I have had lots of visitors. On Sunday my old flatmate came over for tea. I had made a blueberry and raspberry tart and she brought some yummy cupcakes. I hadn't seen her since October so we had plenty of catching up to do. Later that evening Sabina came over and I made spicy black bean patties with potatoes dauphinois. Yum.
Monday my friend Ema came over for lunch, I made a simple hot smoked salmon salad with avocado and boiled eggs, with a dill dressing. Simple but tasty. I then had my 40 week midwife appointment. Apparently the baby's head is now 3/5 engaged, as opposed to 1/5 at my last appointment. I guess that's progress. She made me another appointment for Sunday, I am starting to feel like maybe I am not having a baby after all. Perhaps I dreamt it all up.
The last few days I have had lots of visitors. On Sunday my old flatmate came over for tea. I had made a blueberry and raspberry tart and she brought some yummy cupcakes. I hadn't seen her since October so we had plenty of catching up to do. Later that evening Sabina came over and I made spicy black bean patties with potatoes dauphinois. Yum.
Monday my friend Ema came over for lunch, I made a simple hot smoked salmon salad with avocado and boiled eggs, with a dill dressing. Simple but tasty. I then had my 40 week midwife appointment. Apparently the baby's head is now 3/5 engaged, as opposed to 1/5 at my last appointment. I guess that's progress. She made me another appointment for Sunday, I am starting to feel like maybe I am not having a baby after all. Perhaps I dreamt it all up.
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