Being back in London is bittersweet. On the one hand I was looking forward to being back in my own flat and my own bed, and it is nice to see Una and her dad reunited after 3 weeks apart. On the other hand I had such a lovely time in Sweden and it was sad to say goodbye to my family and friends. Life is so different in Sweden, in some ways easier. A better quality of life. I know the grass is always greener and there are many benefits to living in London, a city I love, but I couldn't help to think I would love to spend a couple of years in Sweden while Una is young, I think it would be great for her as the nurseries are so good (and unbelievably cheap!) and she could spend more time with her family. It's difficult living in a country that isn't "ours". Since James is from Ireland Una doesn't have any grand parents around in London, though she has her aunts at least. I want to make much more of an effort to go back to Sweden more often, during the winter as well, so that Una can feel that Sweden is her country. At least we do go to Ireland a bit more often, so she gets to spend time with her family over there, which she loves. Who knows what the future holds and where we will all end up!

Una enjoying sitting in a high chair in Maria's kitchen!
Åh hon är så sjukt söt!!! Hon verkar nöjd och glad med livet och verkar utvecklas finfint. Förstår att det är jobbigt att vara tillbaka vet inte hur det kommer kännas nästa v efter lite mer än tre mån iväg. Just nu längtar jag hem till min lägenhet och känner mig redo att komma tillbaka till London. Känns också lite mysigt med höst och tända ljus etc. Men frågan är hur länge den känslan kommer sitta i när jag inte har haft lång byxor på mig på jag vet inte hur länge. Usch ja det är blandade känslor som sagt!
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