Monday 12 October 2009

feel good

I am turning in to a neurotic wreck of a human. This has been happeing slowly over time but I am realizing it more and more at the moment.


The smallest thing makes me miserable/insanely jealous/furiously angry/hysterically devasted

Anything (negative) that anything says to me becomes, in my mind, 'the truth'. It is never like 'this person thinks I'm stupid' it is always 'I'm stupid!'

Every problem is MY problem. If someone is unhappy, something is wrong I feel it is my responsibility to fix it

I cry, on average, once a day

And the list goes on....,

I truly am starting to feel like I am going mad. This is not the kind of person I want to be, the kind of life I want to lead. I want to be able to enjoy life, to be happy. I always thought I was a happy person, I guess I used to be, but now I am struggling. In a an attempt to self help I am going to start documenting little things that make me feel good. Maybe that way I will start paying attention to all the good things in life, and appreciate them!

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