Wednesday 1 August 2012

The elusive sleep

At the moment Una and I are struggling a little with her sleep. She won't sleep for more than three hours at a time and can't get back to sleep from around five or six in the morning. Even though I am very relaxed about her routine and sleep, I can't help but wonder sometime, when will she sleep through the night? Even if she slept from the late feed for a six hour stretch I would be happy. As the months of broken sleep add up, it undeniably starts to take its toll. Her night wakings haven't bothered me in the past as she always used to sleep in late in the mornings.

We are trying to structure her sleep a bit more with a set bedtime and she takes all her naps and sleeps all night in her cot. I love having Una in the bed with me but I have noticed that she wakes up more in my bed as I must be disturbing her sleep. Overall though I am maintaining my relaxed attitude, she will sleep through the night when she is ready. If there is one thing I've learnt in my 5 months of motherhood, it is to relax and just go with it!

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