Tuesday 2 December 2008

long time no see

I think I am bit to inconsistent to be a good blogger. Some days I write several posts, other times days will pass. It's not because I don't have anything to write about, more like the opposite! Too many things have been going on (good and bad) for me to have the time, or for me to be able to gather my thoughts enough to write. I can tell you three things about the weekend:

1. fika at scandi kitchen on saturday was very nice, and I spent £40 in the shop!

2. very, very soon I will be able to post much better photos (which may encourage me to post photos more often!) as I have been given a sneaky early christmas present from santa... guess what it is!

3. far too many people have seen my right breast (courtesy of above mentioned christmas present...)

have a good night folks.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha du är ju för underbar hahahaha. hur går det med jobbet?

Nadja said...

tackar,tackar! det gar val sadar....

You will eat it and you will like it said...

"Scandi Kitchen" kan det vara detsamma som jag just nämnde som svar på din kommentar hos mig?! Det jag menar ligger lite norr om Oxford Street, två kvarter öster om Regent Street. Men hittade inte du någon färsk jäst där lär ju inte jag heller göra det...