Tuesday 30 October 2012

Dinner and breakfast

We are about to head out to playgroup this morning and have just enjoyed out breakfast together. Una had blueberry porridge, I had a boiled egg and blueberry yoghurt. We are almost on time this morning, I just need to make my face look decent and then we will head out in the sunshine. I am going to attempt to walk sloooowly, to prevent me being so flustered and soaked in sweat (yuk) when I get there.
Yesterday we met up with Aga for lunch at Westfield. I got Una a few tops in H&M but am no nearer to finding her some winter clothes. Too stressful. I'll try again another day.
We had lunch in Wagamama. Cheap and predictable (in a good way). Una had cuddles with Aga.
Afterwards we caught the bus back to Aga's to have coffee. We ended up having such a lovely afternoon and she invited me to stay for dinner. Steve, her food and drinks enthusiast boyfriend, rustled us up a pre-dinner french martini before cooking us a delicious sausage and bean cassoulet. Steve has a  very interesting cocktail website, check it out! It's full of boozy news and recipes. Una was a delight as usual, sleeping in my arms by the end of the evening, before we headed home at around 9.30. It was such a great!

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