When I was pregnant I planned to do lots of activities as a mum. I imagined myself as some kind of baby-mummy-group social butterfly. Looking glowing and slim in some cool outfit, with a cute baby kitted out in an equally cool outfit, I would whiz around all the West London kiddie activities, take away coffee in hand. Baby yoga, baby massage, underwater swimming classes, baby cinema, coffee mornings....the possibilities where endless and the imaginary diary booked up.
As it turns out, I am still the lazy, forgetful, clumsy and disheveled person I was prior to having a baby. Actually, scratch that. I am more forgetful, clumsy and disheveled than I used to be. If you ever hang around West London and spot a woman with her hair in Britney-style messy bun, wearing porridge stained jeans, practically running down Clarendon Road with a crazed look in her eyes, it'll be me running late for playgroup again. When arriving at playgroup, after my sprint, I am usually so sweaty and flustered that it takes a good half an hour before I am able to compose myself and have a normal conversation with all the chic, together looking mums. How they do it, I'll never know. Any yummy mums reading this feel free to pass on your secrets. In the meantime I will continue enjoying being a slummy mummy.

Slumming it on the floor with Una against a backdrop of washing in various states.
Haha. Jag tycker alltid att du ser så yummy mummy ut på alla bilder så. Låter som att ni har det väldigt mysigt på dagarna.
Tack :) Ja vi har det ju valdigt bra, man ska nog forsoka att inte jamfora sig med andra mammor!
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