Am I the only one who likes lighting candles even in summer? I absolutely love candles, especially scented ones, and don't think they are reserved only for the colder, darker months of the year. This is one my sister gave me as a christmas present.

I started my day by baking some Oopsies (wheat free, low carb bread buns) for my breakfast. Quite easy and very tasty topped with cheese and cucumber.

Now that I am trying to eat less carbs I am not too bothered about eating bread anyway and am quite happy with my finncrisp. I also am no carb-nazi and if I want to eat some bread I'll eat some bread, or cake or whatever it may be. There are no banished foods in my book. When I go out to eat in a nice restaurant I don't search the menu for "healthy options", the whole point of going to a restaurant is to eat amazing food (in good company, of course) and I'm not depriving myself of that.
But I like the idea of this high protein/high fat option for when I want something quick, you don't always have the time and energy to cook eggs. This will be perfect for after the gym. I also can't bear to eat a cooked breakfast first thing in the morning, which is why I always have my yoghurt, these could be a nice way of having eggs in the morning.
You can find the original recipe here, I used 2 egg whites, 1 egg yolk, 60g cream cheese and a bit of baking powder, as per my sisters instructions, she baked them the other day.
Now I am going to give Una a bath and get my housework done before my bestest sister in the world comes over to babysit while I go to the gym. I am really looking forward to it, believe it or not!
Hmm postade en kommentar tidigare men den verkar inte ha kommit fram? Vi brukar göra oopsies när vi ska käka hamburgare och då brukar vi ha sesamfrön på. Det är supersmarrigt!
Oj da, undrar varfor?
Jag gjorde nagra med fron och nagra utan, med var klart godare. Har inte provat med hamburgare an med ska definitivt testa det. Du borde prova choklad oopsiesarna ocksa :)
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