Wednesday 6 June 2012

Pavlovas, Primark and patriotism.

I have lots of pictures to show you of the last few days, as well as recipes to post, but it's impossible with my little bambina sleeping in my arms the last few evenings. All the pictures are on the big camera and need to be uploaded to the computer.

Una seemed a bit off the last couple of days and yesterday she woke up with a stuffy nose. Last night she wouldn't sleep in her bed, every time I put her down she would cry in a really sad way, so she ended up sleeping close to me all night. I woke up with a sore neck from sleeping squashed in between Una and James. What a wouldn't do for my little one.

We went to Primark today, Maria got some real bargains that she will struggle to fit in the her already overstuffed hand luggage. We've just had a delicious pavlova to celebrate the Swedish national day.

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