Tuesday 26 June 2012

Wake up and smell the curry

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This morning I didn't get around to having my breakfast until 10ish, so I decided to have some boiled eggs for a change. I also had some blueberries with greek youghurt, topped with desiccated coconut, my flavour of the month.

I am drinking a nursing tea at the moment, it contains the herbs fenugreek and fennel. Fenugreek is supposed to increase your milk supply while fennel should calm your baby's tummy. Unfortunately it has the side effect of making me smell like someone who eats curries for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Not a good thing. I've actually just had a bath before going to the gym, to spare the senses of me and fellow gym-goers!


sabulous said...

Look at us, the "Oh, I can't eat eggs for breakfast" sisters doing just that!

Erika said...

Din frukost ser mycket god ut! Men stackars dig att gå runt och lukta curry hela dagen :( Det är det enda jag inte klarar av i doftväg i den här graviditeten ... konstigt nog: jag älskar nämligen curry i vanliga fall.

Nadja said...

Sabina: I know! If it's that late I can manage it, but not so much at 8 am!

Erika: Ja usch, det ar inte trevligt, men det kanns iallafall som att teet funkat for att oka mjolkproduktionen!
Konstigt vad luktsinnet forandras nar man ar gravid. For mig var det fajitas som luktade helt vidrigt. Kommer tyvarr aldrig att ata fajitas igen sa lange jag lever...Hoppas du far tillbaka currylusten nar du inte ar gravid langre!