Una and I woke up at 8.30 am, stayed in bed playing for an hour before she feel back asleep and I just lay next to her reading my book. By the time we were up and dressed, and after an hours chat with my bestest sister in the world, it was 11.30. So instead of breakfast, brunch! Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon scattered with dill, my favourite herb. Greek yoghurt with berries, nuts and seeds, coffee and apple juice. I feel ever so slightly better now.

Åh vad jag saknar er!! och med pga EM hade jag ju lika gärna kunnat stanna en tre veckor till hos dig är nämligen fotbollsänka numera.
vi saknar dig med! Samma galler har, blir till att gomma sig i sovrummet med datorn framover, ha ha...
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